Wooden Float Frame
Wooden Float Frame
Let me take care of framing for your newest artwork. I don’t suggest you tape artworks to the wall like I did in the studio. It caused tear and wear on some edges of the paintings. I painted and sanded to fix time traces. If you’re not skilled like me, please select a frame for your art.
Framing your artwork as soon as possible protects your investment from the elements and ensures the longevity of the work. A vital step for paper artworks.
Professionally framed in the beautiful clean lined wooden float frame, your artwork will arrive at your place ready for the wall. All you’ll need to do is decide where to put your art.
As the name suggests, this framing can make your artwork look like it’s floating. This is different from traditional frames that make your art feel enclosed within the frame. It makes your home vibe feel ultra-modern. Your artwork will be sandwiched between two pieces of plexiglass/ acrylic.
The final framed size is 32 x 42 x 4cm, ready to hang.
They are raw wood frames, so each is slightly different.
(45 EUR = 1,500 NTD)
盡快(在這種情況下)立即裱框,可以保護你的投資不受其他因素影響,並確保作品的壽命。 保存紙張藝術品的重要一步。
專業地裱框在美麗簡潔的原木畫框中,您的藝術品將通過壓克力/有機玻璃進行浮裝。尺寸為32 x 42 x 4公分,可直接上牆,您只需要決定將畫放在哪裡。
如名,這種裱框方式使您的藝術品看起來像是漂浮在空中。 這與傳統相框不同,傳統相框讓您的藝術感覺被包圍封鎖在框內。 浮裝讓您的家居氛圍感覺超現代。 您的作品將夾在兩片有機玻璃/亞克力之間。
整體的框架尺寸為32 x 42 x 4公分,可直接上牆。
(45 EUR = 1,500 NTD)