Parisian Sky

mixmedia painting

Hi friends,

Let me tell you the story about this painting with a photo diary.

It was in Paris & Beg Meil, Brittany, in June 2019.

Hope you enjoy it x


Pink summer sky

Botanical garden walks

Strawberry rose moon

Intertidal beach walks

On the rocks in the intertidal zone

Sunset moonrise

Pink moonlight reflected onto ocean and in the sky

Making it a very bubbly memory


Rabbit lady’s old house

Back in the old time, there was not much food, so there was a lady keeping rabbits for sale and she lived in there with her rabbits.

Parisian beach house over 100 years

Forever special memory

We got to celebrate a friend’s grandma’s 93rd birthday in this house.

She was the real Parisian who lived through history.

On her birthday, we accompanied her to a local fish market and she made us a table of fresh seafood meals.

We were listening to her stories in Vietnam during WW2.

She went to Vietnam right after she got married as her husband was in charge of deciding which documents to keep or destroy for the French government while they were retreating from Vietnam.

She was still painting when I met her.

Sadly, she passed away last year.

Parisian Sky

Inspired by our trip to France

Created in 2019, finished and signed in 2022

It has been living with me for years,

and will be one of the paintings at exhibition to meet you.


Till next time.

Tricia KuoComment