Packaging Love
Always super honored when I get to pack love into each painting before sending them off to their forever homes.
I’m very lucky with my dear collectors. I must say.
So far, all collectors trusted and granted me however long I want to take.
We trust each other because we share same values.
Having these relationships with collectors is the most wonderful thing to be an artist.
I find writing my comfort zone being an introvert.
Glad you are here with me.
Enjoy the process x
Packaging Process = my art
Uncontrollable and unreplicable.
Beautiful Mistakes
I made something I myself very fond of.
Dots on the right caused by one accidental drop.
Since I dropped one by accident, I might as well use up the rest of wax and make more drops.
Intentional shine with gold foil pen added at the end.
It’s about accepting whatever happens in the process, both good and bad and keep working on it.
I often remind myself there's no bad piece.
There's only our framed brain judging it based on what we are told by others.
It's because I'm not appreciating it with beginner's eyes to make my own judgements.
It's failed not because it's not good enough, but because I haven't found the right angle to see its beauty.
I like the unfinished feeling. Perfection is boring.
Look at it with beginner’s eyes.
Did you know I used to work in fashion chasing trends and all the glamorous? My artist name card was indeed inspired by a fashion buyer card I used to have. I was fascinated by the idea that our clothing represents our identity and wanted to dig deeper into it. (A strange quest for identity started early on, it seems.) At the end, only a soulless consumerism world was found, mass-producing, abusing cheap labors in developing countries, drying lands for more cottons and harming earth by releasing chemical from factories and the list goes on. A friend asked me if I’d like to go back to work in fashion again. My answer was ‘Hell no’. I did like the creativity and beauty in fashion but not the fancy products with no real meaning and connection. If we humans just want to prove identity by abusing resources on earth, we are too selfish, aren’t we? Today, I up-cycle waste to create beauty and meanings for my collectors, so they can tell their stories and identities. This is real luxury.
I like to be creative to use up all paper scraps and avoid plastics in packaging.
One quick tip if you want to elevate your home, get rid of anything plasticky.
hand painted gift tags
wax seal stamps
Green eucalyptus, pink sky & a purple planet were packed in.
This collector likes purple a lot a lot <3
This eucalyptus was created back in 2019.
It has been living in my folders, never seen it in a frame.
Grateful for enjoying it for a bit before sending it away.
I like how it fits in the green corner.
Two attempts
The first one was too rough, so I tried with a different paper box, a bit thinner, easier for me to cut but I guess the protection is less. Thank god this will be hand carried by the collector, so it will do for now. I also used a pair of sharper scissors and box cutter the second time.